The Unleash Yourself Podcast By Michael Carbone

Keep reading to find out ways you can unleash your true authentic self and thus find life’s treasure. Whenever we face difficult situations in life, we look for external anchors to guide us and help us find a way. We look outwards for mentors who can tell us something that can solve all our problems. But truth be told, often times, we ourselves know most of the solutions to our problems.

Here's what "Keep Moving Forward" really means. You can get SMAR down to the T, but if you do not actually include that T, it just will not do. Moreover, if relevant, set mini-deadlines for elements of that goal between now and the final deadline.

Therefore, for true guidance, it’s important that we become our own mentors. When we look at our problems as a mentor, our rational minds will help us find solutions that nobody else can. Setting goals that are objectively unachievable is obviously very useless. You can set a very specific goal "learn how to fly by flapping your arms", and measurable "fly ten meters by flapping your arms", but that does not make the goal realistically achievable. Make your goal something that you can realistically, objectively achieve. Otherwise, it will just serve to either eat away at your morale or as an excuse for tiktokmagic inaction.

If you find the time to look back upon what you are thankful for, you enjoy these benefits; you are happier and look upon life with a positive attitude. Unlike someone who finds the negative side of everything, you will enjoy the feeling of being alive, sleep a lot better, and be more kind and compassionate towards others. Meditating is the simplest way to unleash your true self. Meditation pulls you deep into yourself, taking you to a peaceful place, far from reality and space. It unlocks your authentic self and makes you act accordingly.

You need to create routines and habits that will help you become as successful as you want to become. With routines and habits, you can stop setting unrealistic, unachievable goals because you no longer have those mental deadlines that often lead to failure. You instead learn how to persist and continue to work hard.

Setting a goal like "get better at programming" just will not do. It is by far too vague to focus your effort. Try something like e.g. "understand and be able to implement the concept of monads" instead.

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